Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Balance Physical Therapy urges Monterey County residents to keep moving, reduce stress, stay safe

We’ve all spent much of springtime indoors, sheltering in place and often losing track of time.

Monterey, CA, May 03, 2020 - Balance Physical Therapy would like to remind us to take a peek outside. The days are getting longer and warmer — which means summer is right around the corner.

As sheltering restrictions relax, the timing couldn’t be better to plan outdoor activities and events with friends and family. It’s more important than ever to find a balance for summer fun, which means maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Get up and move

During the summer, the most important step you can take toward fitness is the first one out your front door.

“Learn to adapt. We are humans, which means that our superhuman strength is that we are adaptable, we're malleable, we can learn new things,” said BPT founder and CEO Dr. John Farahmand. “We can adapt to new environments and new circumstances. These are certainly new and uncertain times but if you look inside yourself, you'd realize you have a tremendous capacity within you to adapt to anything. And it all starts with the way that you think!"

Exercising comes with a lot of perks for your body, mind and mood. There are plenty of ways to stay physically active. Walking, gardening or biking all provide great opportunities for summertime fun in the sun. Not only do such activities improve physical health, but they also benefit brain health. Physical activity improves cognition, quality of life, reduced depression, reduced anxiety and improved sleep. Just 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity or at least 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise shows substantial health benefits.

Outdoor exercise is also a convenient way to get a daily dose of natural vitamin D through sunlight. Studies show that getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases.

Remember, the outdoors belongs to all of us, and there are no membership fees. You don’t need any special equipment. It’s available wherever you are — just outside your door.

Manage your stress

Stress comes in all forms, regardless of the time of year, but these extraordinary times have really heaped on extra anxiety.

Stress can directly affect your physical and emotional health. Too much stress can cause unhealthy lifestyle choices, depression and anxiety. Some stress management tips from Dr. Farahmand include:

Exercise: Any type of exercise (walk, run, bike, body weight exercises) will, and you don't need fancy equipment to get in a great workout!

Relaxation: Try disconnecting from the outside world periodically throughout the day by putting down your electronic devices for a bit.
Mediation or deep breathing exercises: Find a quiet place and take as little as 10 minutes to focus on your breathing (deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth)

Eating a balanced diet: Think about what you're eating and why you're eating it! Now is a great time to try some new recipes or ingredients you've never cooked.

Taking a break: Don't forget to take time in your day for yourself

Time management: With many of us working from home, our kids not in the classroom, and not seeing our friends as much, take time to have a balance between all three.

Stay hydrated

Up to 60 percent of your body weight is water. Every cell, organ and tissue uses water to function properly. Water helps get rid of waste, keeps your temperature normal, lubricates joints and protects tissues.

If the body does not have enough water, it can lead to dehydration. Signs of dehydration include weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness or dark colored urine. Water intake is especially important during the summer months when the temperatures are warmer.

Get enough sleep

Are you getting enough sleep? If not, you are missing out on an important way for the body to recover and repair tissues and organs. At least seven hours of sleep each night is recommended by sleep researchers. Sleep deficiency is common, especially in times of stress, and can lead to detrimental consequences. Lack of sleep can cause irritability and decreased motivation toward work, exercise and eating properly. Long-term effects raise the risk for chronic health problems including obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

BPT is here for you

Everyone needs to stay moving to stay healthy. If you want expert-level physical therapy care without having to risk the safety of leaving your own home, Balance LIVE is here to help. In addition to our Life In Motion Executive Healthcare Service, our providers also offer E-visit appointments so you can keep moving and living your best life. To get started, visit the BPT website at www.balancept.com or give our team a call today at (831) 422-4782.

Marci Bracco Cain
Chatterbox PR
Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 747-7455

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